About Us
For many years Sibford Old Scholars wanted to leave sums of money in their wills or wanted to make donations to the Sibford Old Scholars Association. However, due to the non-charitable aims of SOSA, that organisation could not be registered as a charity and therefore could not be take advantage of Gift Aid. By constituting a charity, for every pound donated, 25 pence Gift Aid from the Government can be claimed. Also, every pound donated will be free of all death duties.
In 2015 a small number of Sibford old scholars created SOSC as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the following aims:
For the advancement of Education of Children attending or wishing to attend Sibford School by the provision of Bursaries to Scholars who have need of financial assistance;
For the advancement of Education of Former Scholars of Sibford School by the provision of Grants to Former Scholars who have need of financial assistance;
For the advancement of Education to Scholars of Sibford School by providing and assisting in the provision of Facilities at Sibford School which would not otherwise be provided by the School.
Over the following years Sibford old scholars made donations of thousands of pounds and the charity supported a number of pupils attending Sibford School.